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Company Profile

Our company, Arham Alum And Chemicals has been witnessing a persistent growth in request for various chemical products in the market and accommodating with our finest collection. As a result, we have used our expertise of chemical industry to develop a highly effective range of chemicals. Textile Chemical, Dimethyl Formide Solution, Fully Refined Paraffin Wax - Kunlun, Acetic Acid, Ammonia Alum, Gum Rosin, and a broad range of other chemical products are among the items we have been delivering. All our high quality products are processed in our facility, which is situated in the city of Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. In addition, we focus on following ethical business values when conducting business with our esteemed customers.

Key Facts of Arham Alum And Chemicals:

Nature of Business

Manufacturer, Supplier and Trader

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees


No. of Production Units





We are mainly dealing in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan.